Book a Hotel with Saint-Petersburg Guide!
Friday, 04 March 2011 07:42

Cheap hotels in st petersburg

Check out our best selection of Saint Petersburg hotels! In the "Hotels" section on this website you will find the most popular hotels that we have gathered for you from other travelers’ reviews from different online sources. We did our best to give you the most careful and trustworthy information about each hotel.

Note that there are a lot of hotels in Saint Petersburg but the main goal of this section was to choose a few from a great variety of hotels that the city offers you and guide you to the best ones depending on such criteria as: money value, location, size of rooms, courteousness of staff and others. If you would like to see  absolutely all hotels in Saint-Petersburg, please, use the budget search on the front page. There you will also find the list of most viewed hotels and will be able to read travelers' reviews once you enter each hotel's profile by clicking on their name. Book with us or ask advice, we know you won't be disappointed!

If you still have any questions left, don’t hesitate to ask the site Administration by filling out the question form in the feedback section or email us to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Once you book, don’t forget to help others and write a review!

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