Do you believe in miracles?
Monday, 22 October 2012 07:16

Making a wish in St-Petersburg

Here is a list of places where one can make a wish in St-Petersburg :)


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 1. The fountain of the Admiralty

Stand in front of the building and behind the fountain, than make a wish by throwing a coin over your head into the fountain. Then move on without looking back while making a wish! 


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 2. Chizhik-Pizhik on Fontankа

To make your wish come true, you need to throw a coin on the monument of the bird, or hit the bird on the beak. 


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 3. Elisha cat (Russian: Elisey, Елисей) and Vasilisa cat on Malaya Sadovaya

Again, throw a coin so that it lands on the sculptures.


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 4. Photographer at Malaya Sadovaya

Hold his right hand and take a picture. The photo brings you happiness and good luck.


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 5. Griffins Bank Bridge

If you put your hand in the mouth of one of the winged creatures and make a wish, it will come true. And if you rub the golden wings, you will become rich soon!


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 6. Ball fountain at Malaya Sadovaya

Scroll the ball and make a wish!


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 7. Begemotiha Tonya

In the courtyard of the Saint Petersburg State University Philosophy building, there is a statue for those who want to get married. The statue brings good luck to the ladies wishing to get married if they rub the right eye, where as  guys need to rub the left eye to find the girl of their dream.


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 8. Hare on the pile

Throwing a coin on the small statue of a rabbit will bring you good luck if it lands on the statue. Good luck, it is not easy!


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 9. Chapel at the tomb of the blessed Xenia

The patron of St. Petersburg grants wishes that are written on a piece of paper and laid under a box of candles. Walk around the chapel three times before making a wish!


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 10. Gavryusha dog on Pravda Street, in the yard near buiding 11. 

Write down a wish on a piece of a paper and put it in the mailbox next to the dog for your wish to come true!


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 11. Lamplighter on Odessa Street.

The statue brings wealth to those who rub the feet of the bronze statue quickly. Rub the left boot for an increase in your income, and the right foot to increase everyone’s official salaries.


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 12. Atlantes 

Hold your thumb over the left leg of one of the statues and your wish will be granted. Especially over the mighty titans, the newlyweds who do this will receive the best chances of having their wishes come true. 


Where to make a wish in St-Petersburg 13. Monument to Peter I at the Engineers' Castle

The pedestal of the monument is decorated with bas-reliefs. One of them depicts a man who climbs into a boat. Rub his heel and make a wish.


City Gallery