Draw bridges boat ride
Tuesday, 05 August 2014 20:19

Draw bridges boat ride

Draw bridges boat ride

Go on an amazing night boat ride worth 2,5 hour tour around the city for 500 rubles! From here you will see the city from a new perspective and be able to enjoy its attractions with unusual night views of the city and the raising bridges. 

People naively think that they know everything about St. Petersburg. This mysterious city has many more surprises to offer to its guests, and its residents.

All of this you will experience for yourself during a night boat tour where you also watch the raising bridges! 

Additional Information: 

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes. 

Boarding: 23:30;

Departure: 00:00 from South Pier of Elagin Island (Kirov Central Park) 

Children under seven years of age are free of charge to board the ship. 


The boat comes to the Central Nevka, then the Neva River, and closer to the heart of St. Petersburg near the Hermitage and the Peter and Paul Fortress. You will be able to see the most famous city landmarks: the cruiser "Aurora", the Summer Garden, the city islands and the rostra columns, Admiralty, Bronze Horseman, St. Isaac's Cathedral. Shortly before arriving near the Palace Bridge (at 1:25 at night) the ship comes between the Palace and Trinity Bridge, so you can see how the lift spans both. You can also see the Trinity Bridge at 1:40 and at 1:45 Liteiny, you go way back to the large Neva River and continue to Elagin Island. 

The boat has a bar where you can drink hot tea, coffee; buy soft drinks, alcohol, snacks and pastries. The ship accommodates up to eighty people. It has closed two compartments and two open decks (with a covered awning).

For questions and ticket reservation, email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or use the form below:

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