Day of the Hermitage Cats
Friday, 23 May 2014 23:38

Day of the Hermitage Cats

Day of the Hermitage Cats

Traditional day on which the protagonists become fluffy keepers of the city's most famous museum (the Hermitage), will take place this Saturday, May 24th, 2014. Guests can walk through the dungeons of the Hermitage, where they can be personally acquainted with the furry guards of the museum. 

The festival is dedicated to the Hermitage cats and certainly will please animal lovers. Indeed, on this day, the guests will have a unique opportunity to visit the cellars of the main museum in St. Petersburg and this opportunity does not come so often. 

A stroll around will show you where the cats live and you will be able to see parts of the museum some people have never seen before. Also, you can visit the exhibition of works by students and creative projects of students of the Youth Center of the State Hermitage. 

Starting at 12:00 

Ticket price: 300 rubles (at the regular rates for the ticket) 

Venue: Palace Square, 2. The State Hermitage Museum


City Gallery