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Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет

Trizet  Cafe on Bronnitskaya street 10

Cafe Trizet is a pleasant art-cafe in the area of Technological Institute in the heart of Saint Petersburg.

An interesting finding of the interior is large comfy sofas with colorful pillows, nice fixtures and walls with photos of celebrities of all times - these are some the features of this wonderful place.

On the menu of "Trizet", visitors will find a lot of delicious food and European and Russian cuisine. In the morning here you can pop in for breakfast, have some scrambled eggs and milk porridge with excellent sandwiches. Day visitors are offered a business lunch, but in the evenings, you can come with your partner or a bunch of friends for a nice dinner.

Trizet is the perfect cafe for home or friendly gatherings with the closest people. And if you are tired of the bustle of the city, take a dip in the relaxing homely atmosphere of this cozy cafe.

Where: Bronnitskaya street 10, 1 minute walk from metro Tekhnologichesky Institute

Business hoursFrom 10.00-23.00 (Monday to Friday); From 12.00-23.00 (Weekends)

Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет Trizet Cafe  |  Кафе Тризет